Oral Structure Nonspeech Motor Control in Normal, Dysarthric, Aphasic and Apraxic Speakers

This study investigated the isometric force and static position control of the upper lip, lower lip, tongue, jaw, and finger in four subject groups (normal control, apraxia of speech, conduction aphasia, and ataxic dysarthria) at two force and displacement levels. Results from both the force and position tasks suggested that the apraxic and dysarthric groups tended to produce significantly greater instability than the normal group, although the pattern of instability across articulators was not systematic within or across the force and position experiments for subjects within or between groups. The conduction aphasic group produced force and position stability that typically was not significantly different from any of the remaining three groups, suggesting that their force and position stability as indexed in the present study fell somewhere between that of the normal group and the apraxic and dysarthric groups. It is suggested that other analyses of force and position control, such as descriptive accounts of the trial-by-trial time histories, might shed additional light on the speech and orofacial sensorimotor control deficits in persons with apraxia, dysarthria, and conduction aphasia.