Creativity and Schizotypal Traits Creativity Test Scores and Perceptual Aberration, Magical Ideation, and Impulsive Nonconformity

Using a nonclinical and noneminent population, this study demonstrates an overlap in creative and schizotypal traits in the areas of perceptual functioning, behavioral and personality styles, and interests. No such overlap is observed in the area of divergent thinking. A battery containing five creativity measures was administered to a group of college student subjects scoring high on either the Perceptual Aberration Scale or the Magical Ideation Scale (N=52) and to a group of control subjects (N=65). A multivariate analysis of variance indicated that subjects high on the schizotypal traits of Perceptual Aberration or Magical Ideation (Per-Mag subjects) differed significantly from control subjects on the five creativity tests. Per-Mag subjects scored significantly higher than control subjects on the Barron-Welsh Revised Art Scale, a measure of preferences for figures, and the How Do You Think, a biographical and personality measure. There was a tendency for female Per- Mag subjects to score higher than female control subjects on the Domino Creativity Scale of the Adjective Check List. Per-Mag and control subjects did not differ on the Gough Creative Personality Scale of the Adjective Check List or on the Alternate Uses test, a test of divergent thinking. Per-Mag subjects who scored above the median for their group and gender on the Impulsive Nonconformity Scale received the highest creativity scores on the Barron-Welsh Revised Art Scale and the How Do You Think, although these results only approached significance. These findings argue for the specificity of areas of similarity and difference in schizotypy and creativity.