Tracheotomy is performed on the experimental animal under intraperitoneally induced pentothal anesthesia. The ligament connecting the two halves of the mandible is cut and one half is exposed. The alveolar bone covering the incisor is partially removed and the tooth is thinned both from the labial and from the lingual side. Preparation of the lingual side is continued so that observations can be made either on unexposed or on exposed pulp. In the former case the circulation, even capillary activity, can be followed through a dentin layer, 15–20 μ in thickness. In the latter case a dentin window is removed to permit visualization of a small area of the exposed pulp. To prevent drying, the pulp is kept moist with Ringer's solution containing 1/2% gelatin. The instruments used are described, especially in so far as they differ from standard instruments. Using the above method, the authors have produced a film “Microcinematography of the Living Dental Pulp”.

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