The extracted sunflower meal with low cellulose content that was obtained by a new technological procedure exhibited better feeding properties than the sunflower meal produced by the old procedure. This is due to reduced protein denaturation and restricted deterioration of lysine but other biological factors may also be involved in this. The extracted sunflower meal with low cellulose content produced nearly identical results compared with those of extracted soya bean meal, and even a somewhat more efficient rate of gain. This is probably due to the higher methionine content of the meal, a fact which was also pointed out by other authors doing experimental work with extracted meals. It is a matter of great economic importance that the expensive soya bean meal which has to be, for the most part, imported to Bulgaria, can be replaced by this type of extracted sunflower meal. On the basis of the new technological procedure it has become possible to produce an extracted meal with low cellulose content from an ordinary extracted meal by using a fairly simple procedure (removal of seed husks).