Isolation of a porcine respiratory, non‐enteric coronavirus related to transmissible gastroenteritis

A porcine respiratory, non‐enteric virus which is related to the coronavirus transmissible gastroenteritus virus (TGEV) has been isolated in pigs and in cell culture. The isolate was designated TLM 83. It has become very widespread and enzootic among the swine population in Belgium and in other swine raising countries. It causes an infection of the lungs and appears to spread by aerogenic route. It does not replicate in the enteric tract. The experimental infection in conventional and gnotobiotic pigs in isolation remains subclinical. The infection, either experimental or in the field, results in the formation of antibodies which neutralise the classical enteric TGEV. Based on this relationship, this virus is assumed to be a new TGEV‐related porcine respiratory coronavirus or TGEV itself which has totally lost its tropism for the enteric tract.