This paper reviews the sex pheromone chemistry and pheromone-mediated behavior of the spruce budworm and related coniferophagous ( Choristoneura ) budworms. In C. fumiferana , temporal changes in pheromone-gland monounsaturated fatty acids (pheromone precursors) enable the prediction of the primary sex pheromone components. This technique may also be applicable for predicting additional pheromone components. Tetradecanal (14∶ Ald), previously shown to enhance close-range precopulatory behavior, lowers the threshold of response by males for upwind flight to a pheromone-component source. Spruce budworm males maintain upwind flight to 95∶5 ( E/Z )-1,12-pentadecadiene (diolefin analog) after initiating upwind flight to a primary-component pheromone source (95∶5 E/Z 11-14∶Ald). This is the first demonstration of apparently normal male flight responses to a pheromone analog.

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