Thermoelectric and thermomagnetic effects in the mixed state of high-TcsuperconductingTl2Ba2CaCu2Ox

We have measured the longitudinal thermoelectric effects (Seebeck and Peltier effect) and the transverse thermomagnetic effects (Nernst and Ettingshausen effect) in the mixed state of the same Tl2 Ba2 CaCu2 Ox single crystal. The longitudinal effects were found to be in agreement with the behavior expected from the diffusion of quasiparticles in a temperature gradient or electric field, and consistency with the Thomson relation was observed. The Nernst effect showed the qualitative behavior expected from the thermal diffusion of vortices in a temperature gradient. For the Tl2 Ba2 CaCu2 Ox single crystal we obtain a value of the transport entropy of Scphi=0.3×1015 J/K m at B=1 T. The transport entropy Scphi derived from the Nernst-effect measurements showed the reduction expected for B∥c for a highly anisotropic material, where the standard Abrikosov vortices degenerate into ‘‘pancake vortices’’ confined to the CuO2 sheets. Because of this reduction of Scphi, the Ettingshausen effect was below the detection limit of our experiments.