The Erkwit plateau lies at the edge of a steep escarpment facing the Red Sea. It receives an annual rainfall of 218 mm and winter mists. The vegetation is organized in 5 zones whose features are outlined. These are dominated by (1) Maytenus senegalensis, (2) M. senegalensis-Euphorbia abyssinica, (3) E. abyssinica, (4) Dracaena ombet -Euphorbia abyssinica and (5) E. thi. The first zone lies along the northeast (n.-e.) border facing directly the water-laden winds and is the wettest zone. Zone 5 lies at the southwest (s.-w.) border, furthest from the escarpment edge and is the driest zone. The plant growth indicates that, within each zone, the higher the altitude the wetter is the habitat and that n.-e. facing slopes are wetter than the s.-w. slopes.

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