Spectral Shape Sensitivity Contributes to the Azimuth Tuning of Neurons in the Cat's Inferior Colliculus

We recorded high-best-frequency single-unit responses to free-field noise bursts that varied in intensity and azimuth to determine whether inferior colliculus (IC) neurons derive directionality from monaural spectral-shape. Sixty-nine percent of the sample was directional (much more responsive at some azimuths than others). One hundred twenty-nine directional units were recorded under monaural conditions (unilateral ear plugging). Binaural directional (BD) cells showed weak monaural directionality. Monaural directional (MD) cells showed strong monaural directionality, i.e., were much more responsive at some directions than others. Some MD cells were sensitive to both monaural and binaural directional cues. MD cells were monaurally nondirectional in response to tone bursts that lack direction-dependent variation in spectral shape. MD cells were unresponsive to noise bursts at certain azimuths even at high intensities showing that particular spectral shapes inhibit their responses. Two-tone inhibition was stronger where MD cells were unresponsive to noise stimulation than at directions where they were responsive. According to the side-band inhibition model, MD cells derive monaural directionality by comparing energy in excitatory and inhibitory frequency domains and thus should have stronger inhibitory side-bands than BD cells. MD and BD cells showed differences in breadth of excitatory frequency domains, strength of nonmonotonic level tuning, and responsiveness to tones and noise that were consistent with this prediction. Comparison of these data with previous findings shows that strength of spectral inhibition increases greatly between the level of the cochlear nucleus and the IC, and there is relatively little change in strength of spectral inhibition among the IC, auditory thalamus, and cortex.

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