The Star-Forming Torus and Stellar Dynamical Black Hole Mass in the Seyfert 1 Nucleus of NGC3227

We report R~4300 VLT SINFONI adaptive optics integral field K-band spectroscopy of the nucleus of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC3227 at a spatial resolution of 0.085" (7pc). We present the morphologies and kinematics of emission lines and absorption features, and give the first derivation of a black hole mass in a Seyfert 1 nucleus from spatially resolved stellar dynamics. We show that the gas in the nucleus has a mean column density of order 10^{24}-10^{25}cm^{-2} and that it is geometrically thick, in agreement with the standard `molecular torus' scenario. We discuss which heating processes may be responsible for maintaining the vertical height of the torus. We have also resolved the nuclear stellar distribution, and find that within a few parsecs of the AGN there has been an intense starburst, the most recent episode of which began ~40Myr ago but has now ceased. The current luminosity of stars within 30pc of the AGN, ~3x10^9L_sun, is comparable to that of the AGN. Based on a comparison of the respective size scales, we argue that the star formation has been occuring in the obscuring torus. Finally, we present the first derivation of a black hole mass in a Seyfert 1 nucleus from stellar dynamics which marginally spatially resolve the black hole's sphere of influence. We apply Schwarzschild orbit superposition models to our full 2-dimensional data and derive the mass of the black hole, paying careful attention to the input parameters which are often uncertain: the contribution of the large scale bulge and its mass-to-light ratio; the recent star formation in the nucleus and its mass-to-light ratio; the contribution of the gas mass to the potential; and the inclination. Our models yield a 1sigma range for the black hole mass of M_{BH} = 7x10^6-2x10^7M_sun.

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