Quantitative Perimetry in Compressive Optic Neuropathy and Optic Neuritis

• The Goldmann perimetric defects in 20 cases of compressive optic neuropathy and 54 cases of optic neuritis were analyzed. While defects involving the papillomacular bundle were the rule in both compressive and neuritis cases, sparing of the fixational area occured in 24% of neuritis eyes but in none of the eyes with compressive neuropathy. The most reliable differential perimetric sign was the presence of a hemianopic defect; at least one eye of 15 (75%) cases of compression showed such a defect, which was not found in any neuritis cases. The I2e was the largest kinetic isopter to demonstrate the hemianopic defect in a substantial proportion of cases. These defects were corroborated with sequential static presentation of the I2e to I4e stimuli to either side of the vertical meridian, and with similar techniques using 18/1,000 red test objects at the tangent screen.