Clinical and radiographic features of simple and hydatid cysts of the liver

The advances of hydatid chemotherapy and the non-operative management of simple (epithelial) hepatic cysts make a correct diagnosis of increasing importance. Twenty-six patients with hepatic hydatid cysts and eleven with simple cysts were reviewed. In both groups clinical presentation was most frequently due to pain. Sex, age and size of the cysts were similar. Hydatid serology was negative in six of the hydatid patients (23 per cent). None of the simple cyst patients had positive serology but one had a borderline titre. Ultrasound and computerized tomography identified daughter cysts within the main cyst in only 17 hydatid cysts (65 per cent) and considerable intra-cyst debris was also present in five of the simple cysts. Seven of the simple cysts were deroofed surgically and the remainder underwent percutaneous aspiration. Sixteen of the hydatid cysts were found to have a biliary communication whereas this was not found with any simple cyst. The difficulties in making a precise diagnosis in some patients with a liver cyst should deter the interventional radiologist and restrain the hydatid chemotherapist.