Laparoscopic Repair of Scrotal Hernia in Two Foals

Nonstrangulating indirect scrotal hernias were corrected in two 4-week-old Percheron foals by a laparoscopic technique. After laparoscopic reduction of herniated nonstrangulated small intestine each testes was retracted through the vaginal ring. The ligament of the tail of the epididymis was transected by electrocautery. The testicular vessels and nerves were isolated by cautery of the mesenteric portion of the mesorchium and then ligated. Staples were used to close the opening of the inguinal canal by apposing the peritoneal edges of the vaginal ring. Resection of umbilical stalk remnants via celiotomy performed in one foal after laparoscopic observation of enlargement of the right umbilical artery and urachus. No complications or recurrence of herniation had occurred 16 weeks after surgery.