Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Sinclair(S‐l) Miniature Swine

Piglets from 12 litters farrowed by 18‐mo‐old, first litter (L1) alcohol‐consuming dams were evaluated for altered morphology. A second group of piglets, farrowed by six 3‐yr‐old, second litter (L2) alcohol‐consuming dams, was also evaluated. Litters from 6 non‐alcohol‐consuming gilts and 6 non‐alcohol‐consuming sows were used as controls. Mean litter size and birth weight for L, and L2 piglets were significantly less than controls. Fetal mortality rates for L, and L2 piglets were much greater than controls. Anomaly rates observed in fetal deaths were 11% and 100% for L1 and L2, respectively; no anomalies were seen in the control group piglets. Anomalies observed in group L1 included prolapsed rectum, undescended testicle, hypoplastic testicular tissue, and microphthalmia. Anomalies seen in group L2 included one occurrence of each of the following: anencephaly, microcephaly, cranial bone hypoplasia, microphthalmia, cleft palate, hypoplasia of extremities, hypodactylia, poly‐dactylia, cryptorchism, hypoplastic gonadal tissue, cloacal atresia, and two occurrences of micrognathia, syndactylia, and hypoplasia of tail. Open‐field activity behavioral studies show significantly greater activity in the offspring of alcohol‐consuming dams. The data from Sin‐clair(S‐l) miniature swine support the data from other species, establishing the relationship between maternal alcohol consumption and fetal anomalies.