Accurate Excitation Energies ofN14up to 9.4 MeV

Precision excitation energies of 16 levels in N14 measured with the C12(He3,p)N14 reaction are reported. The values based on an assumed excitation energy for the fourth excitated state of 5105.87 keV are 3950.2, 4915.3, 5688.8, 5832.4, 6202.5, 6444.9, 7027.9, 7964.9, 8486.4, (8617.4), 8909.9, 8959.8, (8977.3), 9124.1, 9167.4, and 9385.4 keV. Random uncertainties range from 1.4 to 1.9 keV. The width of the 8909.9-keV level was measured as 19.7 ± 1.9 keV and that of the 9385.4-keV level as 15.6±2.0 keV. Angular distributions measured at 11.95 MeV are given for these 16 levels and for the 5106-keV level. The states at 2312, 8063, and 8710 keV were not measured.