Annealing effects for implanted Y-Ba-Cu-O superconductors

Annealing effects of Y‐Ba‐Cu‐O superconductor thin films implanted by 200‐keV Ne+ have been investigated. Transition temperature (Tc) end points for 0, 1×1014, 1×1015, and 1×1016 ions/cm2 doses are 75, 71, 62, and 16 K, respectively. The film implanted at 1×1017 ions/cm2 dose indicates nonsuperconductors. The c‐lattice constant increases were observed for the implanted films. It is confirmed that the superconducting characteristics for film, which is implanted at 1×1016 ions/cm2 dose, are recovered by annealing in O2 atmosphere at 940 °C for 4 h. Moreover, microcrystal growth caused by annealing the implanted film was observed on the surface.