Lacunar syndrome due to intracerebral hemorrhage.

It has been recognized that small intracerebral hemorrhage not uncommonly produced lacunar syndromes. In this study, we examined cases of intracerebral hemorrhage presenting as lacunar syndromes. Of 174 cases with recent intracerebral hemorrhage, 19 presented with a lacunar syndrome: 4 presented with pure motor hemiparesis, 5, ataxic hemiparesis, 3, dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome, 7, sensorimotor stroke, and, none, pure sensory stroke. The sites of hemorrhage were capsular in 11, putamenal in 6, and pontine in 2. In these 19 patients, 17 were hypertensive, and the signs characteristic of parenchymal hemorrhage, e.g., gradual onset, headache, nausea, vomiting and stiff neck, were absent or very rare. Computed tomography revealed that one third of the patients had one or more non-symptomatic lacunae in the basal ganglia, the corona radiata or the anterior limb of the internal capsule. These observations suggests that hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage causes lacunar syndrome more often than previously considered and is apt to manifest ataxic hemiparesis and sensorimotor stroke. Computed tomography is the only way of differentiating hemorrhagic "lacunar" syndrome from lacunar infarct.