Electrodisintegration of polarized deuterons

Dependences of the azimuthal and target asymmetries in the breakup of polarized deuterons by unpolarized electrons on the choice of the deuteron electromagnetic (EM) current model and final-state interaction (FSI) effects are investigated. Possibilities for separation of the structure functions which determine these observables are discussed. Results of the calculations are compared with available data. It has been shown that FSI plays an important role in formation of the asymmetries. In the quasifree region some of them depend considerably on the neutron electric form factor and on the spin-orbit EM interaction with nucleon. The tensor target asymmetries T20 and T22 calculated for 2(e,pn)e’ under kinematic conditions of the experiment with the electron storage ring VEPP-3 in Novosibirsk have been found to be very sensitive to the meson exchange current contributions.