Low EnergyndScattering: Comparison of Experiment with Theory

D-wave effects are shown to be significant, though small, in the experimental nd scattering data at 4.5 and 5.5 Mev. Consequently, since the calculations of Buckingham and Massey include only S and P wave phases, a phase shift analysis of the experimental data is carried out to determine these phases so that a suitable comparison can be effected between experiment and theory. The resulting "experimental" P-wave phases agree only qualitatively with those of the symmetric-interaction calculations, but they completely disagree with those of the neutral-interaction calculations. The lack of quantitative agreement in the former case could be attributed to the range, depth, and possibly shape of the inter-nucleon potential chosen by Buckingham and Massey especially since their S-wave phases, which they found to be insensitive to force-type, are not in satisfactory agreement with the experimental results of slow neutron scattering.