The mouse homolog of the hst/k-FGF gene is adjacent to int-2 and is activated by proviral insertion in some virally induced mammary tumors.

The fibroblast growth factor-related protooncogenes, int-2 and hst/k-FGF, are within 17 kilobase pairs of one another on mouse chromosome 7 and are in the same transcriptional orientation. Approximately 70% of tumors induced in BR6 mice by mouse mammary tumor virus have proviral insertions adjacent to the int-2 gene. We find that the murine homolog of the hst/k-FGF gene can also be transcriptionally activated by the insertion of mouse mammary tumor virus DNA either upstream or downstream of the gene. In most tumors, only one of these adjacent genes is activated, but in some cases both genes are expressed. One of the hst-expressing tumors also has a virally activated int-3 gene. At least five distinct cellular genes (int-1, -2, -3, -4, and hst/k-FGF) can therefore contribute, either singly or in concert, to the development of histologically indistinguishable mammary tumors in mice infected by mouse mammary tumor virus.