Of particular current interest is the critical behavior of functions on crossing over from one lattice dimensionality to another. To this end, we report high-temperature series for an Ising model with lattice anisotropy-i.e., with different exchange constants for different lattice directions. The Hamiltonian is Hl,anis=JxyΣijxysisjJzΣijzsisjJxy(Σijxysisj+RΣijzsisj) where si=±1, the first summation is over all nearest-neighbor pairs in the xy plane, and the second sum is over pairs coupled in the z direction. The susceptibility, second moment, and specific-heat series are explicitly presented for arbitrary Jxy and Jz for the simple cubic (sc) and face-centered cubic (fcc) lattices to tenth order in inverse temperature. The general-R series are essential if one wishes to study the Riedel-Wegner crossover exponent appropriate to changing lattice dimensionality, since for RJzJxy=0, both the sc and fcc lattices reduce to two-dimensional square lattices, while in the limit R, the sc reduces to noninteracting linear chains.