Cancer Knowledge and Examination Frequency in College Students

College students are now being considered an appropriate target for cancer education programs. However, research has demonstrated that only a fraction of those individuals knowledgeable about the importance of cancer examinations actually practice these examinations. This study investigated whether the personality construct of repression-sensitization could identify which individuals would or would not practice regular examinations for breast, cervical, and testicular cancer. College students were identified as repressors, neutral, or sensitizers and tested as to their knowledge and examination frequency for breast, cervical, and testicular cancer. After a cancer lecture, this information was reasessed. No differences were found among repressors, neutrals, or sensitizers in cancer knowledge or examination frequency, either prelecture or postlecture. Cancer knowledge significantly increased after the lecture for both males and females. No change was found in the frequency of breast self-examination, while frequency of pap smears declined after the lecture. In contrast, testicular self-examination frequency increased. The implications of these results for future research are discussed.