Penile sensitivity in men with premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction

Previous research indicates that penile sensitivity is typically lower in men with erectile dysfunction than in age-matched controls. On the assumption that sensitivity might be greater in men with short ejaculation latency (premature ejaculation), the present research investigated penile threshold (sensitivity) to vibrotactile stimulation in men with premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or a combination of the two. Premature ejaculators showed thresholds commensurate with controls, while men with erectile dysfunction, or combined erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, showed significantly elevated thresholds. Although premature ejaculators did not show penile hypersensitivity, there was a significant correlation in this group between ejaculation latency and threshold. Overall, these findings argue against a primary role for penile sensitivity in ejaculation latency, and suggest that other somatic factors or cognitive factors may play the more critical role in premature ejaculation.