The Shape-Alignment relation in $Λ$CDM Cosmic Structures

In this paper we study the supercluster - cluster morphological properties using one of the largest ($2\times 512^{3}$) SPH+N-body simulations of large scale structure formation in a $\Lambda$CDM model, based on the publicly available code GADGET. We find that filamentary (prolate-like) shapes are the dominant supercluster and cluster dark matter halo morphological feature, in agreement with previous studies. However, the baryonic gas component of the clusters is predominantly spherical.We investigate the alignment between cluster halos (using either their DM or baryonic components) and their parent supercluster major-axis orientation, finding that clusters show such a preferential alignment.Combining the shape and the alignment statistics, we also find that the amplitude of supercluster - cluster alignment increases although weakly with supercluster filamentariness.

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