SUMMARY: Non‐mycorrhizal Betula papyrifera Marsh, seedlings and seedlings infected with Lactarius rufus (Scop, ex Fr.) Fr. or Scleroderma flavidum E. & E. were treated with nutrient solutions containing 85 μM Ni or no Ni for 21 weeks. Ni was concentrated in the roots, with the highest concentrations being in the roots of plants infected with S. flavidum; Ni concentrations in stems were lowest in these seedlings. In general, Ni reduced the concentration of P, Mg, Ca, and Fe in shoot tissues. The concentration of P was correlated with that of Ni in the stems and roots. High P concentrations in the roots of S. flavidum‐infected seedlings could be correlated with potential Ni‐binding sites, allowing the Ni to be detoxified. Although Ni treatment reduced chlorophyll concentrations in L. rufus infected and uninfected seedlings, this did not appear to be related to differences in tolerance caused by the fungi.