Crown-Gall Tumors Possess Tumor-Specific Antigenic Sites on Their Cell Walls

Rabbits were injected with cell walls obtained from crown-gall tumor tissue or the corresponding cell walls from normal potato [Solanum tuberosum cv. Red Russett] tissue. The serum obtained from rabbits 53 days after they were injected with tumor cell walls contained Ig that reacted with both tumor and normal cell walls and with the cells from the inciting strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. When this serum was repeatedly absorbed against normal cell walls and the cells of the inciting strain of A. tumefaciens, only tumor-specific Ig remained. These Ig did not react with cell walls obtained from meristematic (nontumorous) potato tissue. This same serum reacted with crown-gall tumor cell walls obtained from turnip [Brassica rapalar cv. Purple Top White Globe] and carrot [Daucus carota cv. Scarlet Permain] discs.