The mechanism of the apparent early closure of the aortic valve in patients with discrete membranous subaortic stenosis was studied. Discrete membranous subaortic stenosis was simulated in vitro to assess the fluid dynamic characteristics in the region of the aortic valve that may be responsible for the early closure. In the presence of a simulated fixed membranous subaortic obstruction, early systolic closure of the aortic valve was observed on high-speed motion pictures. Opening and early closure of the valve involved only one of the three aortic leaflets. Closure of the open leaflet was associated with the development of a pronounced pressure drop across the open leaflet caused by a large decrease of pressure in the main stream of flow relative to the pressure in the sinus of Valsalva. The pressure decrease in the main stream of flow resulted from a loss of pressure energy caused by an increase in the kinetic energy of the fluid caused by turbulence. Early systolic closure of the aortic valve in discrete membranous subaortic stenosis, therefore, results from the development of a pressure drop across the open leaflet caused by fluid dynamic factors related to the development of turbulent blood flow distal to the subvalvular obstruction.