Self-diffusion data on amorphous metallic alloys determined in long-time radio-tracer experiments and activation-enthalpy spectra deduced from short-time structural relaxation studies on such materials are reviewed and analyzed in terms of current random transition rate models. It is shown that the seeming discrepancy between the self-diffusion enthalpies and the comparatively small enthalpies obtained from measurements of the magnetic after-effect arises from the existence of activation-enthalpy spectra. Whereas the short-time experiments reveal the small-activation-enthalpy parts of these spectra, the long-time self-diffusion experiments are controlled by the larger activation enthalpies. Assuming that the activation-enthalpy distributions are Gaussian, their characteristic parameters have been determined by comparing the two types of measurements. It is shown that the Arrhenius-type diffusion coefficients found by experiment are compatible with half-widths of the activation-enthalpy spectra of about 0.3 eV. Based on an analysis of the pre-exponential factors and other typical properties of the diffusion coefficients, potential mechanisms of the diffusion in amorphous alloys are proposed.