Drug interaction studies with remoxipride

The interaction potential of remoxipride was investigated with biperiden, warfarin, diazepam, and ethanol. The studies were conducted in 12 healthy volunteers each of whom received single doses of remoxipride, the interacting drug, and the combination in a randomized crossover design. Remoxipride and biperidene had no influence on each other's pharmacokinetics. The pharmacokinetics of warfarin enantiomers were uninfluenced by remoxipride. Ethanol and diazepam had no effect on the pharmacokinetics of remoxipride. The effect of remoxipride on the elevation of plasma prolactin levels was not modified by biperiden and the effect of warfarin on the prolongation of prothrombin time was uninfluenced by remoxipride. Remoxipride showed no pharmacokinetic interaction with any of the drugs studied, nor was any pharmacodynamic interaction observed in the remoxipride versus biperiden and remoxipride versus warfarin studies.