Evaluation of models for tubular, laminar flow reactors

Significant error can result when the plug flow model is applied to the analysis or design of luminar flow reactors due to nonconstant radial profiles of velocity, composition, and temperature.An analysis and comparison of suitable models for the nonisothermal, homogeneous, first‐order, irreversible, laminar, gas flow reactor has shown the finite‐difference solution for radial profiles to be superior to the power‐series approximation of radial temperature and composition profiles.New capabilities of the present computer solution include isothermal or adiabatic wall, dilute or concentrated feed, any stoichiometric product‐to‐reactant ratio. Chapman‐Enskog model for gas diffusivity, calculation of both heat transfer parameters, and a correction factor to apply to plug flow calculations.The new, improved computer solution may be used in the basic design or analysis of tubular, laminar flow reactors.