Clinical Manifestations of Secondary Syphilis

The results of a prospective study, a/med at having a fresh look at the clinical features of secondary syphilis in 89 patients, are presented. Eighty‐one (91.0%) had syphilides, and of these, 24 (29.6%) had atypical morphology. Two or more groups of lymph nodes were enlarged in 60, and hepato‐splenomegaly was seen in 20 (22.5%) patients. Condylomata lata in atypical sites occurred in six patients. A total of W patients had alopecia on the scalp, and anterior uveitis was seen in 7 (7.9%). The clear CSF showed minimal elevation of lymphocytes in one of the 21 patients on whom lumbar puncture was performed and may, therefore, be considered unnecessary as a routine procedure. An awareness of the varied clinical presentations would assist in early diagnosis of the disease and help reduce its complications.