Ligation of the pancreatic ducts in 7 Pavlov pouch dogs decreased gastric secretion for a few days, followed in most cases by a hypernormal secretion (due to an unexplained increase in the intestinal phase of gastric secretion) sometimes persisting as long as 6 mos., or declining to normal in 3 or 4 wks. Alkalies increased the secretion in 2 dogs and had no effect in 2 others. The emptying time of the stomach was decreased by ligation of the pancreatic ducts (4 dogs), but more decreased by total pancreatectomy (4 dogs). It is believed that hunger, or polyphagia, is the factor principally concerned in the causation of this decrease. The decrease in emptying time following ligation of the pancreatic ducts or pancreatectomy shows that acidity of the duodenum as a controlling factor of the rate of emptying of the stomach is very minor in importance when compared to the hunger, or polyphagia factor, or other unknown factors.