Prostate Specific Antigen in the Expressed Prostatic Fluid of Men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Carcinoma

We tested the hypothesis that the histochemically demonstrated prostate specific antigen (PSA) content of prostate carcinoma cells does not necessarily reflect PSA production and secretion by evaluating expressed prostatic fluid. Expressed prostatic fluid and serum from 152 men with clinical benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), 132 with histologically proved BPH and 46 with prostate carcinoma were analyzed with the Hybritech PSA assay. Expressed prostatic fluid PSA levels from carcinoma patients (median 1.70 mg./ml., mean 2.25) were significantly higher than in the histologically proved BPH group (median 1.28 mg./ml., mean 1.42, p less than 0.05). PSA concentration is increased in the expressed prostatic fluid of prostates of men with carcinoma compared to those with histological BPH. This finding may be a functional manifestation of a field change or paracrine effects within the prostate.