Glutaminyl‐Cyclase Expression in the Bovine/Porcine Hypothalamus and Pituitary

The expression of the glutaminyl cyclase (QC), an enzyme responsible for the post-translational modification of N-terminal pyroglutamyl residues of neuropeptide precursors, was examined in bovine/porcine hypothalamic and pituitary tissue by means of immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. In the anterior pituitary a distinct pattern of QC immunoreactivity and mRNA expression was found associated exclusively with somatotrophs. In corticotrophs of the pars intermedia QC expression was undetectable, whereas a small portion of putative pars tuberalis cells in the rostral part of the pars distalis were heavily labelled. The neurointermediate lobe was devoid of signals for QC mRNA, but showed significant QC-immunoreactivity on secretory granules of axonal nerve endings. Also nuclei of the hypothalamus were found to be positive for QC-immunoreactivity. Intense labelling was observed in the nucleus supraopticus and nucleus paraventricularis. Staining of the nucleus periventricularis was found to be moderate, whereas no labelling of perikarya in the nucleus arcuatus, the preoptic area and the nucleus suprachiasmaticus was detectable. Moreover, varicose fibers stained positive for QC-immunoreactivity and could be identified in the main transport route from the hypothalamus to the pars neuronalis (tractus hypothalamo hypophysialis). These results suggest that the enzyme is transported via the same routes as its substrate/product to the median eminence or the neural lobe. Furthermore, the mapping of the cellular QC distribution reveals a strikingly distinctive expression pattern, that should be useful for the identification of yet undiscovered places of peptide synthesis and processing.