Studies on the Metabolism of Plant Neoplasms. II. The Terminal Oxidase Patterns of Crown-Gall and Auxin Tumors of Tomato

1. Carbon monoxide-inhibition studies were made of the oxygen uptake of normal tissues and crown-gall tissues of the hypocotyl and internodes and of auxin-induced tumors of the internodes of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). 2. The results indicate that iron and copper enzymes and enzymes not yet identified mediate oxygen uptake in the tissues studied. 3. The percentages of oxygen uptake mediated by these enzymes are the same for tissues of the normal hypocotyl, internodes, and stumps of bisected internodes at two stages of development. 4. In the crown-gall tissues a percentage shift occurred in favor of the copper enzymes at the expense of both the iron and the residual enzyme systems. In the auxin tumor the percentage of oxygen uptake mediated by both iron and copper enzymes was increased at the expense of the residual systems.