Nitridotechnetic (VI) acid has been prepared by the hydrolysis of Cs2TcNCl5. Dissolution of this compound in concentrated HF gave an e.s.r. spectrum due to [TcNF4: g 1.895, g 1.990, A 0.03765 cm-1, A 0.01795 cm-1, Q 0.00052 cm-1 for Tcvi ; a, 0.0052 cm-l, ay 0.0010 cm-l, az , < 0.0002 cm-1 due to F-. A comparison of the 4dxy MO coefficient, β2, with those for [TcNCI4]- and [TcNBr4]-indicates that the Tc =N bond length is greater in [TcNF4]- than in [TcNCI4]- and [TcNBr4]-.

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