Hypermutable Non-Synonymous Sites Are under Stronger Negative Selection

Mutation rate varies greatly between nucleotide sites of the human genome and depends both on the global genomic location and the local sequence context of a site. In particular, CpG context elevates the mutation rate by an order of magnitude. Mutations also vary widely in their effect on the molecular function, phenotype, and fitness. Independence of the probability of occurrence of a new mutation's effect has been a fundamental premise in genetics. However, highly mutable contexts may be preserved by negative selection at important sites but destroyed by mutation at sites under no selection. Thus, there may be a positive correlation between the rate of mutations at a nucleotide site and the magnitude of their effect on fitness. We studied the impact of CpG context on the rate of human–chimpanzee divergence and on intrahuman nucleotide diversity at non-synonymous coding sites. We compared nucleotides that occupy identical positions within codons of identical amino acids and only differ by being within versus outside CpG context. Nucleotides within CpG context are under a stronger negative selection, as revealed by their lower, proportionally to the mutation rate, rate of evolution and nucleotide diversity. In particular, the probability of fixation of a non-synonymous transition at a CpG site is two times lower than at a CpG site. Thus, sites with different mutation rates are not necessarily selectively equivalent. This suggests that the mutation rate may complement sequence conservation as a characteristic predictive of functional importance of nucleotide sites. Mutations occur in some sites in the genome more frequently than in others. Similarly, mutations in some sites have greater consequences than in others. The effect of mutations might not be independent of the frequency with which mutations occur. Indeed, sites where mutations happen frequently will be preserved if the effects of these mutations are severe or will otherwise be allowed to mutate if there are no consequences for the organism. We compared both human–chimpanzee differences and sequence variation among humans in protein coding genes. We found that highly mutable nucleotide sites, such as the dinucleotide CpG, are on average more important and more frequently preserved by natural selection. Using this information, together with other features such as sequence conservation, opens a new perspective to predict the effect of human mutations, including their potential involvement in diseases.