Raman cross section measurements in the visible and ultraviolet using an integrating cavity: Application to benzene, cyclohexane, and cacodylate

A new technique has been developed for the measurement of absolute Raman scattering cross sections. The Raman scattering of a sample in an integrating cavity is compared to the elastic scattering from a reference scatterer of unit yield. The fundamental advantage of this approach is that it permits the measurement of absolute cross sections throughout the visible and UV regions with a simple experimental apparatus and procedure. The 992 cm1 mode of benzene was measured in the visible region and compared satisfactorily to the values obtained by Kato and Takuma [J. Chem. Phys. 5 4, 5398 (1971)] and Abe et al. [J. Raman Spectrosc. 6, 38 (1977)]. The scattering cross section of the 608 cm1 mode of sodium cacodylate, an aqueous intensity standard, was measured from 647 to 240 nm. Analysis within the A‐term formalism provided a functional form for interpolation between measured points and revealed that the 608 cm1 cacodylate mode derives intensity from states in the vicinity of 83 kK (kilokaiser). The 802 cm1 skeletal mode of cyclohexane was measured over the same spectral region to provide a nonaqueous intensity standard. In this case the principal contribution to the preresonance scattering arises from electronic states near 115 kK and not from the lowest allowed σ → σ* (CC) states. To compare scattering mechanisms, the CH stretching modes of cyclohexane were referenced to the 802 cm1 mode. The CH stretching modes of cyclohexane derive A‐term intensity from the strongly allowed σ → σ*(CH) state near 85 kK, as expected from simple valence arguments.