Urethral Diverticulum in Females

A report on 13 cases of urethral diverticulum in females is presented. Symptoms were non-specific: 2 cases presented with suppuration in previously undiagnosed diverticula. The most important physical sign was palpation of the sac on vaginal examination. Micturating cystourethrography was the most useful investigation. An association with carcinoma makes excision mandatory and in 10 cases this was performed by a vaginal approach. A laterally based flap incision is described which was used in 7 cases without complication. In 1 case the diverticulum recurred after 5 yr and was removed in the same way. The 2 cases that presented with suppuration were treated by incision and drainage: in 1 the diverticulum re-formed and the other case was lost to follow-up. The etiology of the condition is unknown but based on histological evidence, it is believed to be congenital.