Attitudes of pharmacists, medical practitioners and nurses towards the development of domiciliary and other community pharmacy services

Surveys were undertaken to determine both the current extent of provision of non-dispensing services by community pharmacists, and pharmacists' attitudes, together with those of medical practitioners and district/practice nurses, towards the development of domiciliary and other community pharmacy services. Five out of a list of 10 professional services were available on the premises in the majority of pharmacies. Approximately 65 per cent of pharmacists undertook prescription collection and medicine delivery and 43 per cent provided domiciliary patient counselling at least once a week. Medical practitioners and nurses expressed high levels of support for the majority of the established services; the exceptions were blood pressure testing and cholesterol monitoring for both of which only 30 per cent of each group were in favour. Most pharmacists were willing, in principle, to train for and to provide a domiciliary service which would include counselling on the use and storage of medicines and the supply or fitting of appliances; support for these services was high among medical practitioners and nurses (85–88 per cent). The proportions of pharmacists who were willing, after training, to provide domiciliary management of total parenteral nutrition, pain control and chemotherapy were 68, 85 and 36 per cent, respectively, but medical practitioners and nurses generally were not in favour of these extended roles. The length of professional registration and frequency of contact with pharmacists were both factors which significantly influenced the level of support by medical practitioners but not by nurses.