Magnetotransport properties and magnetostructural phenomenon in single crystals of La0.7(Ca1ySry)0.3MnO3

The magnetotransport and magnetostructural properties of La0.7(Ca1ySry)0.3MnO3 (0<~y<~1) are studied. We investigate the variation in magnetoresistance (MR) with y and the field-induced structural transition at y0.5 by using single crystals prepared by the floating-zone method. With the increase in y, the colossal MR behavior at y0 is transformed to a rather canonical MR (a MR free from lattice effects) at y=1. The coefficient C in the empirical relation that ρ(M)/ρ(0)=exp[C(M/Ms)2] (M and Ms being the magnetization and its zero-temperature saturation value) shows a significant change with y, attainable for example, from 7.6 at y=0.1 to 2.3 at y=0.7. As an example of the magnetoswitching of a crystal structure around room temperature, the structural-phase transition induced by an external magnetic field is investigated for crystals with y0.5. Structural-phase diagrams of the magnetic field vs temperature plane are given.