Two sib plants of barley both possessing the genotype WxWxAc2-ac2, when crossed with wx wx AC2Ac2, gave significantly lower ratio for wx than expected in F2. The average percentages of the recessives in F2 were 20.5% for wx and 24.1% for ac2. In F3, the ratios for waxy could be classified into 3 groups, i.e., low, normal and high, the average percentages of wx being 18.1%, 24.8%, and 31.9%, respectively. WxWx-Ac2Ac2 lines were established which, when crossed to a normal wx tester, produced low wx ratios in all F2 progenies. The distorted ratios for wx and the breeding behavior were explained by assuming a gametophyte factor Ga linked with the Wx locus in Ac2ac2 stock. The recombination value between the Wx and Ga loci was estimated to be about 33% from F3 data. The relative functioning of the Ga-pollen versus ga-pollen was estimated as 90.6% 9.4%. The wax and ac2 genes in F2 progenies from Ga ga plants showed a 43.8[plus or minus]1.3% recombination, whereas in progenies from ga ga plants they were independent. It was assumed that the order of the 3 loci is either Wx-Ga-Ac2 or Ga-Wx-Ac2. Stocks having Wx Wx Ac2Ac2 Ga Ga have been established.