Significance of radiolarian age data to the Mesozoic tectoni and sedimentary evolution of the northern Pindos Mountains, Greece

Radiolarians were extracted from siliceous sediments of the northern Pindos Mountains, in an attempt to establish the chronology of tectonic and stratigraphic events related to the evolution of the Pindos ocean basin. Three separate phases of siliceous sedimentation were identified: (i) (mid-) late Triassic; (ii) mid-late Jurassic and (iii) mid-late Cretaceous. The first two phases are also known from the Pindos and Sub-Pelagonian zones of southern and central Greece, and elsewhere in the Dinarides andHellenides. However, the occurrence of Cretaceous radiolarites in the west central Tethyan region is somewhat unusual. Field observations suggest thatfrom the mid-late Triassic through to the mid Jurassic, radiolarites were deposited on volcanic basement, or were interbedded with sediments associated with the late rifting/spreading stages in the development of the Pindos ocean. Radiolarites of mid-late Jurassic age are commonly interbedded with clastic sediments of ophiolitic derivation. This coincides with a phase of significant compression within the Hellenides, which caused intra-oceanic deformation of the Pindos ophiolite. The ophiolite was subsequently emplaced onto the margin of the Pelagonian microcontinent in latest Jurassic time (Kim-meridgian-early Tithonian), as evidenced by transgressive marine carbonates. However, the Pindos basin survived in reduced form until the early Tertiary, allowing radiolarites to accumulate again within Cretaceous post-tectonic clastic sequences.