The enlargement of the field of cesarean section marks one of the advances of modern obstetrics. This operation is being performed for other indications than those of contracted pelves and tumors blocking the pelvic canal. Certain cases of eclampsia and certain cases of placenta praevia, as well as cases which show physiologic incompetence for labor, are being terminated by cesarean section. Obstetrics has always been a conservative branch of medicine and surgery, in fact, ultraconservative, and it is reluctantly yielding to cesarean section those cases which were formerly treated by high forceps operations,accouchement forcé, and version. Does it mean that those operations that have served us so well in the past are to be relegated to the background? If section has been elected and the case is a clean one, the obstetrician rarely regrets that cesarean section was decided on, whereas only too often he feels humiliated for having