Enzymic Capacities of Purified Cauliflower Bud Plastids for Lipid Synthesis and Carbohydrate Metabolism

Isolated cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) bud plastids, purified by isopycnic centrifugation in density gradients of Percoll, were found to be highly intact, to be practically devoid of extraplastidial contaminations, and to retain all the enzymes involved in fatty acid, phosphatidic acid, and monogalactosyldiacylglycerol syntehsis. Purified plastids possess all the enzymes needed to convert triose phosphate to starch and vice versa, and are capable of conversion of glycerate 3-phosphate to pyruvate for fatty acid synthesis. They are also capable of oxidation of hexose phosphate and conversion to triose phosphate via the oxidative pentosephosphate pathway. Cauliflower bud plastids prove to be, therefore, biochemically very flexible organelles.