Anomalies in the Electrical Resistivity of Tl-Sr-V-O System: Search for Superconductivity

High temperature oxide superconductors without copper are of interest from the view point of understanding the mechanism of superconductivity in oxide systems. Consequent to a report by Matsuda e t a l.1) of observation of superconductivity at 30 K and metastable superconductivity at 130 K in Tl-Sr-V-O system, we have synthesized several strontium vanadates of the nominal composition M n SrVO x with M=Tl, Bi, Pb, Y and K (n=0.2 to 1.0 for Tl and 0.25 for the rest), and studied their resistivity behavior. Samples were prepared following the recipe given by Matsuda et al. We have not been able to observe superconductivity in any of these systems between the temperature range of 12 to 300 K. However, some resistivity anomalies are observed in Tl containing vanadates synthesized under different heat treatment schedules.