The Psychological Impairments Rating Schedule (PIRS) was originally designed by the WHO (Jablensky, 1978; see also Biehl et al this volume) and was used as a supplement to the Present State Examination (PSE) (Wing et al, 1974) in a number of collaborative WHO studies. It was mainly designed for assessing selected areas of psychological and behavioural impairments (or deficits) in patients who have suffered, or are suffering, from functional psychotic disorders. It comprised items and scales for rating observed behaviour and was filled in immediately or soon after a psychiatric or PSE interview. Raters were encouraged to take note of a subject's current behaviour and function both before and after the interview proper. The first two sections of PIRS included all behavioural items of PSE (ninth edition). Sections 18–20 as well as a number of items taken from other psychopathological rating scales and items formulated de novo.

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