Genome-specific primer sets for starch biosynthesis genes in wheat

Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L., 2n=6x=42) is an allohexaploid composed of three closely related genomes, designated A, B, and D. Genetic analysis in wheat is complicated, as most genes are present in triplicated sets located in the same chromosomal regions of homoeologous chromosomes. The goal of this report was to use genomic information gathered from wheat–rice sequence comparison to develop genome-specific primer sets for five genes involved in starch biosynthesis. Intron locations in wheat were inferred through the alignment of wheat cDNA sequences with rice genomic sequence. Exon-anchored primers, which amplify across introns, allowed the sequencing of introns from the three genomes for each gene. Sequence variation within introns among the three wheat genomes provided the basis for genome-specific primer design. For three genes, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (Agp-L), sucrose transporter (SUT), and waxy (Wx), genome-specific primer sets were developed for all three genomes. Genome-specific primers were developed for two of the three genomes for Agp-S and starch synthase I (SsI). Thus, 13 of 15 possible genome-specific primer sets were developed using this strategy. Seven genome-specific primer combinations were used to amplify alleles in hexaploid wheat lines for sequence comparison. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in a comparison of 5,093 bp among a minimum of ten wheat accessions. Two of these SNPs could be converted into cleaved amplified polymorphism sequence (CAPS) markers. Our results indicated that the design of genome-specific primer sets using intron-based sequence differences has a high probability of success, while the identification of polymorphism among alleles within a genome may be a challenge.