Pairing of Spermatozoa in the Epididymis of the Opossum (Didelphis virginiana): A Scanning Electron Microscopic Study

Spermatozoa of the opossum, D. virginiana, were taken from 3 different regions of the epididymis and examined by scanning electron microscopy, phase-contrast and dark-field microscopy. Marked morphological changes occur in spermatozoa during their passage through the epididymis. In the first segment or head of the epididymis, spermatozoa are non-motile and the long axis of their nuclei is perpendicular to that of the tail. The nucleus is V-shaped with a thick and a thin arm. At the junction of the 2 arms, where the arms join, the articular fossa receives the capitulum of the connecting piece which attaches the head of the spermatozoon to the tail. Spermatozoa from the central region of the epididymis show a re-orientation of the nuclei which now lie parallel to the long axis of the tail. Both paired and unpaired spermatozoa are found and show an increase in motility. In the caudal region of the epididymis all spermatozoa are paired. Pairing occurs as a result of the close apposition of adjacent cell membranes covering the acrosomes of the larger arms.