A review is given of the experimental investigation of high-energy e+e interactions at PETRA, the electronpositron colliding beam accelerator at DESY in Hamburg, Germany. The energy of the machine is such that the strong, electromagnetic, and weak interactions start to play a role in the processes which can be studied. Results are presented on tests of quantum electrodynamics studying e+e, μ+μ, and τ+τ. The fermion pair production processes e+eFF¯, where the FF¯ pair stands for either a lepton pair (e+e, μ+μ, and τ+τ) or a quark-antiquark pair, are investigated to study the effects of the Z exchange. The measurements of R, the ratio of hadronic to pointlike muon pair cross section, the search for new quark flavors, and other new particles are reviewed. Finally the discovery of three-jet events arising from the radiation of hard noncollinear gluons as predicted by quantum chromodynamics and the determinations of the strong coupling constant αs are discussed.